Partners of Haisafe®

Interested in becoming a partner of Haisafe®? We are looking for precast concrete factories who are able to meet our demands in producing high quality Haisafe® barriers.

Haisafe® is always looking for opportunities to expand their sales in Europe and beyond. Our main goal is to be a cost efficient market player. To establish this goal we are looking for partners who are able to produce our Haisafe® barrier localy. In this way we can reduce the transport costs and support the local business.






18 Wigford Road, Mason Mills, Pietermaritzburg, KZN, 3201
+27 (0)71 442 5286 

Trinity House, 3 Bullace Lane, Dartford DA1 1BB
 +44 (0) 1622 734 215 


Hendrik Herder

Please give us a call or send us an email to talk about the possibilities: +31 (0)6 513 522 47 |